Sunday, January 9, 2011

12 months, 12 blogs

J'ai décidé de faire un post sur les Fashion Blogger, qui occupent je dois le dire une partie de ma petite vie, puisque j'adore regarder leurs blogs (tout les jours ou pas) Donc j'ai choisi une blogueuse par mois. Enjoy

I've decided to make a post about Fashion Bloggers, which occupied, I have to say, a part of my life, since I love watching their blog (everyday or not) So I've chosen one blogger per month. Enjoy.

JANUARY : Ring My Bell by Ashley Madekwe

FEBRUARY : Miss Pandora by Louise Ebel

MARCH : The Blonde Salad by Chiara Ferragni

APRIL : The Chicmuse by Denni

MAY : AfterDRK by Sabrina

JUNE : The Fashion Fruit by Veronica Ferraro

JULY : Le Blog de Betty by Betty

AUGUST : StyleScrapbook by Andy Torres

SEPTEMBER : Amlul by Gala

OCTOBER : This chick's got style by Yara

NOVEMBER : Paris Most Wanted by Andrea & Sandy

DECEMBER : The Fashion Squad by Carolina Engman


  1. OMG you changed the name of the blog I thought i would never find the blog again! I looked for you on blogger :)
    Nice post xx

  2. Le blog de betty is fabulous!
    They're all really beautiful :@ I haven't check them all but I will :)

  3. @Elena - I know, sorry about that :S

  4. I think Chicmuse is ah-mazinggg


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