Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pleasure Principle

Je commence à vraiment sentir que je suis en Terminale. J'ai tellement de devoirs, c'est hallucinant. Je n'attend qu'une chose, ce sont les prochaines vacances, en plus je pars en Égypte !
Bref...Je voulais vous conseiller un film sorti il n'y a pas longtemps, il s'appelle Ces Amours-là, c'est un très beau film et français en plus. Réaliser par Claude Lellouch. Il est long, mais très bien. Vous pouvez voir la bande annonce ici.

Je ne pensais jamais dire ça, mais voici les DERNIERES photos de mon voyage à New-York. Vous vous rendez compte? Il y avait tellement de photos ! Et encore, j'ai pas tout mis. Donc voià, elles ont été prises le dernière jour à Battery Park dans le Sud de Manhattan et Time Square, avant de me rendre à l'aéroport JFK le soir et de rentrer chez moi :'(


I'm starting to feel that I'm in Senior Year. I have a looot of homework, unbelievable. I'm looking forward to one and only thing, next holidays. I'm going to Egypt by the way!
I'd like to advise you this movie, aired about 2 weeks ago called Ces Amours-là, it's a really nice movie, and it's french. Directed by Claude Lellouch. It's pretty long but really good. You can see the trailer here. (Sorry guys, I only found it in French... :S)

I never thought I would said that, but here're the LAST photos of my trip in NYC.  Can you imagine? There were so many photos ! And I haven't put them all. So, here we are, these pics were taken the last day at Battery Park in the South of Manhattan and Time Square, before I  make my way to JFK Airport (in the evening and go back home :'(





New York me manque!
I miss New York!


  1. The movie seems nice, even if I don't understand french ahah
    Looking forward to your next post, as usual

  2. I've never seen a NY cap in this color! Beautiful!

  3. Do you think it will come in Germany sometimes? Because I like watching pictures, but I'd love to understand what's the movie is really about :p

    Nice pics!

  4. Dammit you decided to travel the world?? :D
    Yeah, school is shit... :)

  5. I've just found your blog, its amazing

  6. @ Elena - :)

    @ Anonymous 4.59pm - Yeah we kinda looked for this color in the whole city :)

    @ Blitzz - I don't think it will come anywhere else than in France unfortunately, because I think it's rather a "national" movie? Like the kind of movie which are not exported in other countries. But I could be wrong :)

    @ Anonymous - Thank you!


  7. Wow I have not been here for a very long time! Your post are still great ! :)

  8. and @ Lee - Yeah that's kind of the idea :p


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