Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm having such a good time

Hey, je voudrais partager avec vous, ces vidéos Youtube faite par deux americains Julia Sheer and Tyler Ward (en marjorité) Vraiment bien. J'aime beaucoup ce qu'ils font. Ils ont même fait un remake de We are the world avec d'autres personnes qui est d'ailleurs sortis avant We are the world 25, très belle version !

Une petite question, est-ce que certain d'entre vous ont vu Sex and the City 2? Parce que j'hésite à aller le voir... Mais s'il est bien alors...

Bien dans 26 jours, je pars pour la Floride, je crois que je l'ai déjà dits, mais je suis tellement excitée! J'ai rendez vous à 5h du matin à l'aéroport le jour du départ, mon vol par à 7h, je pense que je ne dormirais pas de la nuit, et du coup, le lendemain, j'aurais beau être epuisée, je serai quand même super excitée !
J'espère qu'il n'y aura pas de problème... En avril j'étais supposée aller au Japon, mais à cause du volcan Eyja...Je ne me souviens plus du nom, je suis restée à Paris :'( Alors j'espère que ça ne se reproduira pas! 


Hey guys, I just wanted to share with you those Youtube videos by 2 americans Julia Sheer and Tyler Ward (mostly). Really good. I really like what they do. They even made a remake of We are the world with some other ppl which was out before We are the world 25, beautiful version !

Just a little question, some of you have seen Sex and the city 2? Because I don't know if I will go or not... But if it's good then...

So in 26 days, I'm leaving for Florida, I think I've already said it, but I'm getting excited about it ! I have to be at 5 am at the airport, my flight is at 7am... I think I won't sleep the night before, and the day after, I'll be exhausted, but still excited!
I hope everything's gonna be okay...In April I was supposed to go to Japan, Tokyo was like my DREAM, but because of the volcano Eyja...I don't remember the name (so complicated) I was stuck in Paris... :'( So I really hope it won't happen again !



  1. PS : OMG Florida is great, the weather is sooo good, you gonna love it :)

  2. They're really good though! Thanks for sharing :)
    Yes, I've seen SATC2... Well it's good but... There's no real story, and... It's a bit 'clichee' like Labels Labels & Labels. I think it's very different from the original serie.. But still Satc ! Quite funny (Samantha)
    You should go, but don't expect something great!

    Its crazy to see how talented are people on youtube ! And sometimes more talented than some singers !

    I haven't seen sex and the city 2, but tell us if its good when you go :)

  4. @ Elena
    I went to see SATC2 yesterday, and I totally agree with you, very clichee ! I was disappointed. Quite funny though with Samantha :)
    And for Florida, I just can't wait ! This is the first time I go there so... :D

    @ Anonymous
    Yeah, something I even prefer their version (for some songs) I think they deserve to be known more than some ppl
    I'll mention Satc2 in my next post anyway :)


  5. If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call ! Love this song (:

  6. Oh ! This is the song of Germany at Eurovision ! We won thanks to this !
    I have to say, their version is better... (:

  7. @ Blitzz - I love this song too !
    Yeah, I know you won Eurovision, but we all know who won World War I and II. I give you some clues : It begins with FRA, and ends with NCE :) JK!


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